Ministerial Panel under S8 of the Construction Contracts Act 2013 announced

A long standing impediment to the Construction Contracts Act 2013 [the 2013 Act] being given an effective commencement date, was the appointment of a Ministerial Panel of Adjudicators in line with S8 of the 2013 Act. On the 15th January 2016 the Minster of State for Business and Employment, in exercising the powers conferred on him by the 2013 Act, announced the appointment of Construction Contracts Adjudication Panel, noting that the period of the appointment of the Panel members will commence from the 8th December 2015 and end on the 7th December 2020. The full listing of the Panel can be found at the following here . LEA Consulting Limited would take this opportunity to wish all the Panel members the very best in the tenure of their appointments, we are sure it will be a busy time for all concerned.

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